At Betsson, we have the right balance between working professionally and having fun. I also like the feeling of being appreciated.
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Deandra Fenech Mula – Senior QA Engineer

I’ve been working at Betsson since 2015; I had heard all sorts of rumours about how great Betsson is and coupled with knowing some amazing people already working for the company, I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to work with them.
I’m a Scrum Master and form part of the Frontend Development team in Malta. A typical day consists of different scrum ceremonies and meetings, shielding the team from unnecessary inconveniences, analysing different ideas on how we can improve our processes, gathering reports, having chats near the espresso machine and pondering different ideas for future team events.
There is never a dull moment at Betsson. When I joined I thought that the excitement will wear off after a few months as usually happens when people settle down in a new job. I’ve been working here for almost two years and I have never felt bored at work so far. The rumours I had heard were very true.
The best comparison to Betsson I can come up with is a beehive! It’s a huge company where you’ll see busy people running around on a mission, everyone has a purpose and each employee’s contribution makes a difference to the company’s performance.