Betsson Group will be collaborating with on Thursday, 16th May to host the first ever Sustainability, or ESG Track. This will be a day filled with seminars and panels featuring industry leaders and experts in ESG methodology.
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- Responsible gaming
Betsson hosts first ever ESG track at the NEXT: Valletta Summit
- Published: 08/05/24

In recent years, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) has become a fully-fledged way of life for companies with longevity and progress in mind. Strong ESG practices lead to long-term success.
It is no longer a case of simple operational sustainability, but a comprehensive approach including social responsibility and ethical governance. Betsson’s Sustainability Framework, in fact, has 5 focus areas: Responsible Gaming, Business Compliance, Employee Impact, Social Impact and Climate Impact.
What’s Betsson doing at the Summit?
With a strong commitment to raising the bar for ESG within the industry, a host of key Betssonite faces will be contributing throughout the day. Head of Sustainability, Jonna Danlund, will be opening the track and setting the tone for the day, later also explaining how ESG is not an individual’s effort, but a collective one.
She will be followed by Chief Human Resources Officer, Lena Nordin, discussing the younger workforce’s sustainability expectations in a more socially aware world with a focus on Gen Z. Later will also see Head of Responsible Gaming, Eduards Jakubovs, and Head of Customer Service, Viktorija Nikiforova, discussing a cross-functional approach to responsible gaming, and where they might disagree.
Shifting the topic to governance, the day will progress with a panel discussion including Betsson AB’s Chief Finance Officer, Martin Öhman. With ESG reporting moving from a mere option to a valid condition for success, here we will witness how four industry juggernauts help transform ESG awareness into profitable business. The closing chapter will once again see Betsson’s Jonna Danlund moderating a panel on sustainability in practice before ending the day.
What is ESG all about?
When it comes to environmental sustainability, it is important for companies to keep track of their by-products. This includes greenhouse gas emissions, land and water resources, the disposal of unused materials, and others which businesses are directly or indirectly responsible for.
Similarly, larger global issues like deforestation and the maintenance of biodiversity are also on the agenda. Betsson is a climate-neutral company, which means that the group offsets its emissions as part of a climate strategy in line with the Paris agreement. In real terms, for the calculated emissions in 2023 plus an added 10% (8,067 tonnes), the company compensated by purchasing reduction units in verified climate positive projects. This includes the emissions from electricity used in customers’ gaming units or modes of transportation used by employees.
The social pillar in ESG relies on employee engagement and development, as well as the overall safety of any product. Here is where Responsible Gaming plays a big part in the industry contributing to the bigger picture of social wellbeing. Naturally, along with protecting their employees, companies must also look outwards at the community. Part of this is in maintaining robust labour practices within a company to safeguard all stakeholders and suppliers.
Finally, a solid governance structure ensures longevity for a company and its shareholders, as well as opportunities for employee retention via career mobility and talent development. This includes adhering to licences and regulations and effective use of resources to achieve maximum results. Not to mention the stability which good governance offers participants in any business model.