We Play Fair



Responsible gaming is the cornerstone of our business and the core of our sustainability efforts. We know that gaming is not completely risk-free, so offering online gaming comes with the responsibility to ensure customers have a safe, secure and fun experience. All employees receive training in responsible gaming, and Betsson has a dedicated team devoted to handling any day-to-day responsible gaming issues across the company.


We want our customers to enjoy gaming as a fun and enjoyable pastime – something that adds a little excitement to everyday life by betting in a controlled and healthy way. However not everyone has that sense of control and, for a very small minority, it can become a problem.

Betsson offers a free online self-help tool based on cognitive behavioural concepts. Developed in partnership with the company Sustainable Interaction, this tools is backed up by rigorous research and is continuously fine-tuned. The gaming websites and responsible gaming procedures are assessed and audited on an annual basis.


Betsson was the first gaming company to, over 15 years ago, hire a full-time Responsible Gaming Manager. Today we have a full-fledged, dedicated Responsible Gaming Team, with the competence, mandate, and resources to interact with customers and take action when needed. We continuously invest in responsible gaming – in our own tools and processes as well as in research on safer gambling. We have procedures in place to alert us to deviations in playing patterns. We carry out risk assessments on players and also contact customers personally. If we have any reason to believe they might be at risk or have a gambling problem, our internal procedures to help the player begin immediately. You can read more about our Safeguards below.


Through marketing, we express the brand’s personality and stand out in the highly competitive gaming industry. Most gaming regulations include rules regarding marketing, and we also follow industry standards such as the EGBA Code of Conduct for Responsible Advertising.

Our marketing principles tell us what we can and can’t do. For example, we will never target minors and we will never wilfully target customers who suffer from or have reported a gaming addiction. Betsson Group will immediately terminate collaborations with marketing partners, such as affiliates, who are in violation of Betsson’s Code of Conduct.

Problem Gambling Safeguards


Tailored Closures – if a customer wishes to close an account for a specific time frame our support will be able to do so. The account will only be opened once the requested time frame ends. Our Safeguard tools include:


We offer a variety of cool off options, ranging from 24 hours to 6 months of self-exclusion that the customer can self-activate. Under no circumstances can an excluded account be reopened before due time.

Reality Check

The reality check is offered to help customers keep track of how long they have been playing, it will stop the game until the client selects to either continue playing or exit the current game.

Deposit Limits

The deposit limit protects customers from spending beyond their set limit.


Proprietary analysis tool, the Responsible Gaming Prediction Tool, which makes it possible to monitor customers’ gaming behaviour in real time.

Sister Sites

If a customer states that he/she has gambling issues, the account will be immediately blocked and any other account the user may have on our sister sites will also be blocked.


A message will notify clients that they have been inactive for a specific amount of time and will log them out from the account. If customers want to proceed to play, they will have to log in again.

Withdrawals of winnings can only be made to the same account as the deposit was made from to avoid that money is transferred to someone else.


Gaming companies have a similar challenge as banks as we transact large sums of money every day. At Betsson, we treat the risk of money laundering very seriously and we are committed to tackling any money laundering attempts efficiently and effectively.

The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedure is devised to work alongside and in sync with our Fraud Management procedure. As we operate online, all transactions are traceable. We know who the customer, making the deposit, is and how that person has gambled and interacted with our systems.

We use both technology and manual controls to monitor transactions and have additional requirements for high-risk customers, including politically exposed persons. Our procedures protect against, anticipate, detect, manage, reduce and eliminate internal and external risks that Betsson may be exposed to.

We comply with all statutory obligations and carry out all checks and due diligence required by the EU. In addition, we follow the regulatory requirements of each jurisdiction where we are licensed. For each licenced jurisdiction, Betsson has appointed a Money Laundering Reporting Officer with sufficient seniority and command. We helped develop the EGBA pan-European Anti-Money laundering guidelines.
Betsson always cooperates with local police and authorities in the fight against money laundering.
All employees get an introduction to AML. We continuously develop our systems and all Betsson staff working with AML issues receive regular in-depth training.


Match fixing is a serious problem which damages the sport. We have invested significantly in systems which spot and identify any unusual betting patterns and highlight any suspicious activity.

These procedures operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are further strengthened by Betradar – a specialised software tool which gathers all the odds in the market and sends alerts when the odds change. We also check if any games have received unusually high stakes and place limits on how much players can bet. Any requests to bet beyond the threshold have to be approved.

If anything is suspicious we close down bets on the game. We report everything to the IBIA (International Betting Integrity Association) and cooperate with other gaming operators to prevent cheating.

Today, we see far fewer irregular gaming patterns, meaning fewer people try to cheat. Many people assume that cheating occurs in the lower divisions but that’s not the case. Cheating occurs mainly in the unregulated gaming market, particularly in Asia. When it comes to the lower divisions Betsson limits the possible winnings, effectively taking away the incentive to cheat. We also do not offer special bets such as red cards or corner kicks.

Gaming Regulation

Local Licences

The legal landscape for online gaming is constantly changing, both at the EU level and in the various geographical markets. Some countries have introduced local regulations where all operators can apply for a local licence. Others have maintained a reputation that is discriminatory. There is continued pressure on countries in the EU to bring their legislation in line with applicable EU law.

A few countries have introduced local regulations that do not make it commercially viable for Betsson to apply for a licence. In these instances, Betsson has withdrawn from these markets.

Betsson holds licences in Malta, Italy, Estonia, Denmark, United Kingdom, Georgia, Republic of Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Argentina (City of Buenos Aires, Province of Buenos Aires, and Cordoba), Colombia, Croatia, Greece, Nigeria, Canada (Ontario), Belgium, Serbia, France, Peru, and Brazil.

All local regulations come with different requirements regarding marketing, anti-money laundering, tax level etc. Betsson is fully compliant with all local regulation where we hold licences.

Sustainability at Betsson

Sustainability at Betsson

5 focus areas


Responsible Gaming

Responsible gaming is the cornerstone of Betsson’s business, and crucial for building long-term and sustainable customer relationships. Responsible gaming is therefore the most important sustainability area for us.

For most of our customers, gaming adds diversion and excitement to their everyday lives. However, there is a minor proportion of customers who develop an unhealthy relationship to their gaming, where gaming is no longer mere entertainment. It is the players themselves who make their own choices, however, as a gaming company, we have a responsibility to support customers in controlling their gambling and to identify and always help customers at risk of problem gambling. Betsson’s ambition is to be a role model in the industry, inspire and create prerequisites for players to have a healthy relationship to gambling.

More about Responsible Gaming

Business Compliance

Betsson holds gaming licenses in several jurisdictions with significantly varied laws and regulation. To ensure long-term sustainable operations and profitability, compliance with laws, regulations and ethical standards in these jurisdictions is crucial.

We play an active part in national and international discussions and raise awareness of the importance of sustainable gaming regulation. Two areas which we follow closely are the objective to achieve a high channelisation of customers into the locally regulated licensing systems, where such systems are compliant with applicable international law, and the importance of strong consumer protection, ensuring that the customer is at the centre of every regulatory and business decision taken.

More about Business Compliance

Employee Impact

Betsson’s ambition is to be the Employer of Choice – top of mind for both current and potential employees. Attracting talent with the right skills, retaining, and further developing employees is an important part of our winning concept and reason why Talented People is the first pillar in our business strategy.

More about Employee Impact

Social Impact

Betsson defines Social Impact as taking action to have a positive impact in the locations where we operate. Through direct donations to charity and employees donating their time to volunteer in various projects, Betsson gives back and influences society in a positive direction.

More about Social Impact

Climate Impact

Betsson is a technology company whose business is conducted online. This means that Betsson has relatively low CO₂ emissions compared to many other industries both within and outside of the entertainment sector, but nevertheless has a responsibility to help counteract climate change. We have therefore set Science-based targets, officially validated by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) back in 2021, to ensure that our climate work is in line with the Paris agreement.

More about Climate Impact

One Betsson website

One Betsson website